Ian Roome: 'This is personal for me - the NHS is my top priority'

NHS fundraiser and the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate Ian Roome is calling for greater investment in the NHS.
This week Mr Roome explained why supporting our NHS is so important and why it is 'personal' for him.
Talking about his worries for health services in North Devon, health care campaigner and fundraiser Ian Roome said:
“The NHS has been there at all the important times in my life. From the birth of my daughters to the death of my brother, NHS staff have always been there to help me through.
"We nearly lost some of our hospital services here in North Devon six years ago, thanks to Conservative government cuts.
"I was heartened at the way our community rallied behind the campaign to keep our hospital services here. Now, the health services seem to me to be in crisis once again. It’s time to fight for them again.”
"The Lib Dems have set out plans to invest more cash into the NHS and guaranteed treatment deadlines.
“Our plan will save lives. We’ll speed up access to treatment and reduce the time it takes new drugs to become available.”